It takes a village to raise a hoglet🦔 🦔 🦔 🦔 HEDGEFUND UPDATE
It’s been a busy month at the Hedgefund. The lovely Heggie (the one with the leg), left us in charge of her 3 babies at 2 weeks old, whilst she headed off into the moon light. They joined a litter of 2 from oxford, and a few other youngsters from Charlbury. At one point we were bottle feeding 5 every few hours! Hoglets are notoriously hard to hand raise and they have a very low success rate. They need just the right amount of the right milk in small amounts and need to be kept warm and snuggly.
It took a village of surrogate mums and grannies, working super hard around the clock with support from Hook Norton vets (a special thanks to the wonderful Emma!!). Advice has been kindly provided by Vale Wildlife Hospital and the Chipping Norton hedgehog nurse. Some of our guests brought in their own guests (lung worm and round worm) which we successfully treated. Sadly, a few didn’t make it, but we are proud parents to the beautiful home breed Romeo.Â
Lilly (the albino) and Stevie Pricks are gaining weight nicely. We are worried about Lilly’s eyes and trying to find an expert to test whether or not she is blind. A few of the larger females and one male adult have been released locally.
We are very grateful for all of your continued support towards our current monthly costs, which approximately are £200;
£20 Medicines and vet costs
£130 Baby milk, special baby meat and dry cat food
£35 Puppy pads, disinfectants and skin/parasite treatments
£15 Stool samples and testing via Vale
Over the next few months, we need to buy some additional outdoor houses (the small ones can fit through the wire of the crates) and more indoor crates. We also need to build a large outdoor pen.
Items for the Heg-spital can be bought via the regularly updated Hedge Fund amazon wish list https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/106KZ9QL76WDH?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_5hE6kOaAe9q8H
Financial donations can be made referenced ‘Hedge Fund’ to the ‘Charlbury Wildlife Society’ account number 77328260 and sort code 30-91-92.
Look out for our new instagram account and boutique fundraising events. Please contact us via the forum if you would like to visit (for a small donation).
Hedge Fund · Wed 2 Aug 2023, 14:03 · Link