Are you a Charlbury-based community-minded business?
Go Local! Annual Town Meeting
Friday 21st April 2023 7pm in the Memorial Hall
The theme for this year's Town Meeting is 'Go Local!' and following last year's successful event, we are widening the invites to Charlbury businesses to have a presence at it. We are inviting you to have a stall at this year's event (in the memorial hall). If you are a food business, we are thinking of having a 'food street' set up.
We would love to hear about what you do locally, especially if it has an environmental aspect to it i.e have you increased your energy efficiency/reduced your carbon footprint?
Please note this is not somewhere to sell your wares - this is an opportunity to promote yourself as a community-minded business.
I'm still working out details of this event at the moment. So if you are interested or have any questions, please let me know.
Lisa Wilkinson · Thu 16 Mar 2023, 16:23 · Link