St Mary’s Christmas Tree Festival 2022
We would like to thank all those involved in buying and decorating a tree this year to make the festival such a success. The tree lined churchyard along with the decorated trees in the church were enjoyed by many. Along with everyone who helped and offered free services at the events, or came to support, we also want to thank our sponsors, listed below. They kindly donated funds to help set up the festival and we could not run the festival without them. Thank you all! The money raised will go towards the upkeep of the church, and the Saturday concert donations have been shared between CRAG and the church.
Mama Festivals (Wilderness)
House & Carriage
The Bull
Finders Keepers
Shaw & Co.
Cotswold Frames
Marcia at Amarelo Cuisine
Maureen Sparling · Sat 14 Jan 2023, 16:06 · Link