Try something new in 2023 - Morris Dancing!
Do you want to try something new in 2023?
Wychwayz Border Morris are looking to recruit new dancers and musicians. We are a very friendly, inclusive and welcoming group of Morris dancers, dancing the traditional Border style of dance with sticks and wearing rag/tatter jackets. We are looking for new musicians and dancers of all ages and abilities to join us.
We are holding sessions in the Memorial Hall on Tuesdays 17th, 24th and 31st January 7.30 - 8.30pm. Please come along, have a go, have a chat and find out more about Border Morris dancing.
If you would like further information please contact Teresa Duester on 07881 963328 or email wychwayzmorris@gmail.com
Teresa Duester · Thu 12 Jan 2023, 08:41 · Link