Bière sans Frontière
At first glance, driving to northern France may not be the most intrepid of adventures. However, demand the journey be done in a £500 car and suddenly the task seems a lot more daunting. Is that crack getting bigger? Is that the sound of the clutch going? Where is that water coming from?!
On Friday morning, four Charlburians depart on the Twin Town Challenge, a rally from Witney (Blenheim actually) to its twin town Le Touquet. The event raises money and awareness for Special Effect, a charity based in Cornbury Park that specialises in helping physically disabled children access modern technology.
The team comprises volunteers from own charitable event, Charlbury Beer Festival (25th June), and we’ll be promoting the event along the way. We’d love it if you supported the team by donating money to Special Effect via our team page.
A very special thanks to Rod of Sonnox for sponsoring the team’s entry into the rally.
If anyone would like to volunteer at the beer festival in June, joining our happy band of “Beerkmakers”, we always love hearing from people willing to spare a bit of time on the day to pour drinks, sell tokens, judge Aunt Sally, carry band equipment, and generally make the day special. The event is 100% volunteer run and all profits go to good causes in and around Charlbury. It’s also a great way to meet people if you’re new to the town! Please email us if you could spare a couple of hours.
Michael Peake (2022 CBF Chair)
Michael Peake · Thu 28 Apr 2022, 09:23 · Link