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FGW Leaflet Update on Cotswold LIne ReDoubling

FGW are shortly to release an updated leaflet concerning the REdoubling works - AS requested on the forum, I release the text here:

North Cotswolds Line Improvement between Charlbury and Evesham

Following our December leaflet about Network Rail’s plans to restore the single line between Charlbury and Evesham to a double track, we can now provide more detail about the impact this work will have on First Great Western train services this summer.

Phase one of the engineering work is planned for the six weeks of the school summer holidays, and during this time the railway line will be closed:

18 July (00:10) – 3 August (05:00) 2009:
Oxford – Worcester
3 August (05:00) –24 August (05:00) 2009: Moreton – Evesham
24 August (05:00) – 1 September (05:00) 2009:
Oxford – Worcester

During this time, we will provide a train service whenever possible but where we can't we will provide an alternative.

We welcome the long-term benefits this engineering programme will bring to our service, such as easing congestion and improving punctuality along the route .

However, we do appreciate the inconvenience it will cause you in the short-term and we will do everything possible to keep disruption to a minimum. We will also keep you up-to-date with details of alternative transport arrangements.

To receive email updates on the North Cotswolds line improvement project, please register online at


Chris Bates · Tue 3 Feb 2009, 14:14 · Link

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