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Charlbury Community Speedwatch News

We’re encouraged by so many positive comments from pedestrians and drivers about our Speed Indicator Device (SID), which we have been deploying around the Town.

Although drivers are still breaking the speed limit, especially within the new 20mph zone, we have demonstrated that SID does slow down traffic when operating. We can download data showing the percentage of speeders, volume of traffic, maximum and average speeds and compare these with data from our other radar kits that don’t have a display. When SID is out, the speeds reduce. We’ve even tried SID at the start of the 20mph limit and had a monitoring radar further down the road to confirm its impact.

The worst offenders in the past few weeks managed 58 mph on The Slade and a staggering 49mph in the 20mph zone just along from the Coop.

Since New Year, we’ve covered The Slade, Park Street, Enstone Road and Browns Lane. We’ll be operating in new locations subject to the ongoing roadworks and suitable secure sites.

If you’d like to know about our data, have a look at our page ( ) or email us a question on .

The ultimate solution to speeding in Town would be road layout changes. Wouldn’t it be nice to have “Living Streets” like in other Towns and on the Continent? Try Googling!

Best wishes

The Charlbury Community Speedwatch Team

Brian Murray · Fri 5 Mar 2021, 14:57 · Link

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