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Worth's to continue their local bus services despite subsidised competition

Richard Worth has announced that he will continue to run the 69 bus service between Chippy, Charlbury and Witney after the subsidised RH service begins on December 15. The popular Banbury 71 services will also continue to run. The new Worth's service will be basically hourly between Charlbury and Witney, with one or two cuts from the present service, and less frequent between Charlbury and Chippy.

It will receive no subsidy from the County Council, but free bus passes will still be valid.

The present service will continue to run as it is until Christmas Eve (last bus back from Witney on Christmas Eve at 5.08). The new service will begin on December 27.

More details at

Jon Carpenter · Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:26 · Link

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