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CRAG collections for refugees in Calais: an update and a call for more donations

Warmest thanks to the many donors who have already contributed blankets and warm clothing to be taken to refugees camping out in Calais and other parts of northern France. A load of material including CRAG donations is going to be collected for delivery on behalf of the charity Help Refugees on Friday (4 Dec.).

A further delivery is planned by Care4Calais, and material will be picked up from Charlbury at some point in the next ten days.

We are looking for good-condition warm clothing and shoes for men, in small and medium sizes, including donations of *new* boxer shorts and socks.

If you can help, please get in touch with Alice within the next few days ( or 01608 238274).

She will most grateful to receive any donations and pass them on to Care4Calais, on behalf of CRAG. It’s good news that despite delays caused by the Covid19 lock-down, we will be able to get some relief and comfort to the refugees before the worst of a cold winter hits them.

The generosity of CRAG members and supporters is really heart-warming. For those who wish to make a financial donation, please go to

Vicky Buser · Wed 2 Dec 2020, 20:00 · Link

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