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Cornerstone at the Corner House - Update and request for support

The Cornerstone started in August 2020 having been run as a number of separate projects before this. We are open at the Corner House in Charlbury Monday – Saturday 10am – 1pm.

The Cornerstone now encompasses:

• Free produce for all – with the help of Christine Elliott and other producers we are able to offer all residents spare free produce to take away. We have also had plants, chutneys and jams, and lavender all for sale. We have a community fridge and freezer – a place for all of Charlbury to use for excess local produce.

• Give and Take store cupboard shelf – this contains donated foods that anyone can take if they need them. 

• Food Bank – a number of families in Charlbury are supported with weekly food bags costing £200 in total. Support has been given to ensure families have cookers etc. using specific donations.

• A Place to Talk – so far we have been able to link with Citizens Advise and can directly refer families. We have met with the new Family Support worker at Charlbury Primary School and set up lines of communication to support school families.

• Learning Café and Events – conversations are taking place with both Charlbury school and Chipping Norton school on supporting young people. We aim also to run learning events to support lifelong learning.

• Refreshments and Coffee Mornings 

• Second hand books – from the Corner House store are for sale along with DVDs, jigsaws and children’s games, and the money is shared with the Corner House.

We have also run a successful uniform exchange for Charlbury Primary School.

A great team of helpers and volunteers enable the running of this project. Many people have expressed how much they enjoy being able to come to the Cornerstone for a chat, free produce and the feeling of being in a safe space during the current challenging times.

The Cornerstone is hosted by St Marys Church and we are funded by donations and by grants to the project. So far we have applied for 10 grants. Many people donated to the food bank during lockdown  and since then – we are very grateful for all the funds we have received.

To run the project covering the rent of the Corner House, staffing and food bank, costs over £2000 each month. Extra support such as providing equipment like cookers is on top of this cost.

If you would like to support this work, we would be very grateful to receive a one off or regular donation. Could you sponsor a weeks food costs, £200? Or fund us to buy pasta, rice or couscous for a month - £40. Or another idea?  Please get in touch for more ideas. You can donate in a number of ways:

• Pop into the Cornerstone and donate in to the donation box as often as you want to – do take and enjoy some fresh produce

• Give us a cheque – made out to Charlbury PCC with a note attached saying for the Cornerstone

• Donate online – details are:

Payee: Charlbury PCC Sort Code: 40-52-40

Account No: 00032374 Reference: Cornerstone

If you are able to gift aid your donation, please let us know so that we are able to claim this. Many thanks and do get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions. Hope to see you at the Cornerstone.

Jo Paton, Cornerstone Manager. 

Jo Paton · Mon 26 Oct 2020, 12:50 · Link

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