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Mentoring programme for young people

One of the most important and treasured things in life is having advice from those around us. If you ask successful people later in life about the 'secret' of their success, they will not point to a single event, but they will often point to a single person who took the time to talk to them and provide them with advice, support and encouragement when they most needed it.

The Thomas Gifford Trust is working with Chipping Norton School to develop a  mentoring programme, which will create a diverse network of trained mentors who can be linked directly with young people, between the ages of 15 and 18, who are asking themselves some of the most important questions about their future studies and careers. Mentors will be expected to volunteer a few hours per student to listen, to share advice and, where required, to make further introductions to connections related to their career choices.

The preparation for becoming a mentor includes a one-hour online mentor training module, an online safeguarding programme and DBS certification. If you are interested please email

daniela jenkins · Tue 13 Oct 2020, 16:27 · Link

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