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Statement from Centre Stage and Street Stage

"CENTRE STAGE and STREET STAGE - to all parents with children attending the above.

"As you are probably aware, there have been operational difficulties experienced with The Shed Building, which is used by all the youth theatre groups as well as a number of other arts based organisations in the area.

"In order to help resolve the issues, Tim Crisp and Stuart Parker, as interested parents who between us have children at Centre Stage, Street Stage and Shed Theatre and who have enormous respect for the tremendous achievements of all youth theatre groups in the area, have accepted the joint chair of Centre Stage and Street Stage.

"We are at the present in the middle of discussions with the team at Shed Theatre to try to resolve these operational difficulties and to ensure that all interested parties can continue to use the facilities at Charlbury Youth Theatre.

"Yesterday, for reasons we do not fully understand, the locks had been changed on the Charlbury Youth Theatre Building and 16 children attending the regular Centre Stage slot were locked out with no access and no alternative accommodation.

"We apologise for this which was completely beyond the control of Centre Stage and Street Stage. We are trying to arrange further meetings to resolve the access issue and in the meantime understand that Anneke Hay as artistic director of both groups will try to make alternative arrangements so that this level of youth theatre service can continue.

"We will keep in touch with parents during this difficult period and hope to arrange a meeting shortly.

"Stuart Parker and Tim Crisp."

Richard Fairhurst · Tue 6 Dec 2005, 15:58 · Link

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