Ticknell Piece playground is now open
Charlbury Town Council is delighted to announce that the Ticknell Piece play area has now opened following the installation of new, better play equipment.
As with the Nine Acres playground, this is not a manned site so we ask users to take their own precautions. Standard guidelines are as follows:
- Please clean/wipe-down all equipment before and after use where practical. We are unable to supply cleaning materials so please bring your own sanitiser and towels.
- Keep a safe social distance.
- Do not bring food or drink.
- Take all rubbish home with you.
- Wash your hands as soon as practically possible after use.
In addition, please have regard to national guidelines on wearing face masks.
We hope Charlbury families will enjoy the improved facilities – thank you for your patience while the works have been going on.
Richard Fairhurst · Mon 20 Jul 2020, 12:52 · Link