Services at St Mary's Church
We are delighted that from Sunday 5th July St Mary’s Church will be open for public worship.
Sunday: 8am BCP Holy Communion; 9.45am Parish Communion
Wednesday: 9am Holy Communion.
The numbers allowed in church will be limited to meet safe distance protocols, you will need to use hand sanitiser on the way in to church, masks are not compulsory but can be worn if desired.
The church building will be closed and cleaned immediately after each service.
For those who are not able to attend a service, the Sunday 9.45 Parish Communion will continue to be livestreamed via our YouTube channel – search St Marys Church Charlbury on YouTube.
For the time being, Sunday Club will continue to meet via Skype. Children are welcome at all our services, but parents are asked to supervise closely the activities of their children, not allowing them to break the safe distancing protocols.