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Make pickleball your new year's resolution!

When the Charlbury Community Centre opened in September 2017, Charlbury Pickleball was one of several clubs that set roots at the centre. No one imagined just how much Charlbury would embrace this little known sport. So much so, that boxing day morning saw over thirty people turn up to play pickleball. The past two years or so have seen the club slowly grow with an increasing core membership playing two sessions a week attracting around twenty members per session. The appeal of the sport and the club is such that we also have members traveling in from Bicester, Brackley and as far off as Towester to join our friendly, social Pickleball "family". Plans are also afoot to start a third regular session on Friday mornings complementing the already well attended sessions on Monday and Thursday mornings. There is also a big off court social side to the club with frequent get togethers and outings. So, as we approach 2020 and people are contemplating not only making their new year's resolutions but also thinking about their health and fitness, the question to ask is, are you missing out? If you want to get more active and enjoy an activity that will improve your fitness whilst also being a lot more fun and social than many other fitness regimes, come along and try it out. You might be surprised just how much you enjoy it.  Further details are available through our website

Vijay Desor · Mon 30 Dec 2019, 23:44 · Link

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