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Consultation on Charlbury Neighbourhood Plan

The public consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan is still open but will close on 31st October so there is not much time left - an on line form is now also available in addition to printed forms at

The plan is quite detailed with a lot of information but don't be put off.  You do not need to read all 120 pages of it as it is split into various sections so you can just respond to any of these which concern you.  

We would like to thank those who have already responded but really encourage anyone else who is concerned or who has a question to respond now.  Full details of how to respond and copies of the consultation draft and other documents are available on the web site or at the library.

There is also a display about the plan in the entrance to the community centre which summarises the main points and there will be times when someone will be available to answer any questions

The procedure now is that all responses will be recorded and will be be available for anyone to see.  They will all be taken into account when preparing the final version of the plan which will be submitted to West Oxfordshire next year.  An independent examiner will be appointed who will test whether the plan complies with all requirements for  a neighbourhood plan, if statements made are accurate and supported by evidence and if policies are legally enforceable and sustainable.  It is only after this stage that the plan will go to a public referendum of all those resident in the parish.

Tony H Merry · Sun 13 Oct 2019, 14:50 · Link

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