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Charlbury Rail Bus under threat

The County Council are considering whether to continue to subsidise the Charlbury Rail Bus and there is there a strong suggestion by the CC that this will no longer continue.

Please send all letters/emails of support to either Ian Hudspeth at is the chair of the transport committee) or to Dick Helling, the Public Transport Officer at with a copy to Roger Clarke, the town clerk at The Town Council will be collating responses from members of the public to put forward to the County Council in July.

In the County Council's Local Transport Plan it cites that one of their objectives is to "deliver accessibility to all. Accessing jobs and services is fundamental to a good quality of life. The availability of public transport is essential to minimising the risk of social exclusion, particularly for people without access to a car. Targeted public transport is fundamental to quality of life".

Perhaps we should remind them of that.

Susie Finch · Tue 27 May 2008, 19:23 · Link

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