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Charlbury Primary School Ofsted report

The report from Charlbury Primary School’s most recent Ofsted inspection has been released. 

The school was judged ‘Inadequate’. Of the five main categories, “Quality of teaching, learning and assessment” and “Outcomes for pupils” were found to be good. “Effectiveness of leadership and management”, “Personal development, behaviour and welfare”, and “Early years provision” were inadequate.

The full report is on the Ofsted website at .

The inspection’s key findings, taken verbatim from the report, are:

  • Safeguarding is not effective. Leaders do not fulfil their statutory responsibilities. Governors do not check the systems in place effectively enough.
  • Leaders do not have systematic procedures for staff to record safeguarding concerns. When concerns are raised, leaders cannot demonstrate that they always take effective action to keep pupils safe. This includes reporting concerns to other agencies, when appropriate.
  • Staff do not receive regular safeguarding training. Teachers are not adequately trained to spot the signs of abuse.
  • Incidents of poor behaviour and bullying are not tracked systematically. As a result, issues are not always tackled satisfactorily.
  • School development plans are not focused on the things that make a difference to learning. They do not provide any means of measuring how effective planned work is.
  • Leaders do not provide suitable opportunities to develop the capacity of staff who have middle leadership roles.
  • Leaders are not doing enough to improve the frequent absence of some pupils. Some disadvantaged pupils do not attend regularly enough.
  • Statutory welfare requirements are not in place in the early years. Safeguarding is, therefore, not effective.
  • Pupil premium funding is not used effectively to improve rates of progress for those pupils it is intended to support.
  • The effectiveness of teaching and learning in the school is good.
  • Most pupils achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics.
  • Pupils develop a wide variety of knowledge and skills through the carefully planned curriculum.

Department for Education guidance states that “Academy conversion is mandatory when a maintained school is rated inadequate”. The Regional Schools Commissioner identifies an academy trust for the school to join. (Charlbury Primary School is currently a maintained school under Oxfordshire County Council rather than an academy.)

A meeting for parents has been arranged.

Mon 13 May 2019, 13:57 · Link

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