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Charlbury Community Speedwatch News

Your Community Speedwatch Team has been in action again, conducting three sessions in the last week.

On Woodstock Road we monitored 90 vehicles and 60% were within the 30mph limit. But there were some very high speeds, up to 46mph. Five registrations had to be passed to the Police.

In The Slade we monitored 180 vehicles and 70% were within the limit. Speeds were happily more modest with a maximum of 39mph recorded. However, four registrations needed to be passed to the Police for follow-up action.

Today we were on Forest Road outside the Railway Children Nursery, using two roadside warning signs, four volunteers in yellow vests and a Speed Information Display. This time, 77% of vehicles were within the 30mph limit and drivers were slowing down once they had seen us. However, there was also some very fast driving, with one vehicle as high as 56mph in the 30mph limit. Eight registrations had to be forwarded to the Police.

We’re seeing much more interest from passers-by wanting to become volunteers. If you can spare an hour or two a month then email us and we can brief and train you to become a Community Speedwatch volunteer -

Charlbury Community Speedwatch · Tue 19 Feb 2019, 16:01 · Link

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