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Are FGW on the right tracks at last?

Ahead of tomorrow's meeting with FGW, the latest analysis of the Cotswold Line blog on this website suggests that the modest improvements reported earlier in the year are not only being maintained but actually bettered. The figures for March 2008 are given below. The most startling statistic is that, of 75 peak services analysed, only one was cancelled (the 07.29 on the 19th). Thus reliability overall was 98.7%. The maximum delay reported to any service was 25 minutes, which is also very low. The average delay for the trains analysed was just over 4 minutes. Bloggers please note: I was only able to analyse data for one evening train (the 18.55) due to the paucity of reports for the other services. If your favourite train is not being mentioned then it is probably because you are not reporting on its performance! Please keep on blogging.

The analysis is as follows:

06.10 Charlbury to London: this train was reported on 13/19 occasions. It was not cancelled at all, ran on time on four occasions and was delayed nine times. Punctuality is thus 31% and reliability 100%. The average delay to this train was 7 mins.

06.37 Charlbury to London: this train was reported on 15/19 occasions. It was not cancelled at all, ran on time on seven occasions and was delayed eight times. Punctuality is thus 47% and reliability 100%. The average delay to this train was 3 mins.

07.29 Charlbury to London: this train was reported on 17/19 occasions. It was cancelled once, on time on 11 occasions and delayed five times. Punctuality is thus 69% and reliability 94%. The average delay to this train was 2 mins.

09.38 Charlbury to London: this train was reported on 13/19 occasions. It was not cancelled at all, ran on time on five occasions and was delayed eight times. Punctuality is thus 38% and reliability 100%. The average delay to this train was 6 mins.

18.55 Oxford to Worcester Shrub Hill: this train was reported on 18/19 occasions. It was not cancelled at all, ran on time on four occasions and was delayed 14 times. Punctuality is thus 22% and reliability 100%. The average delay to this train was 5 mins.

So it should be a short meeting tomorrow then, given that everything is running smoothly? Perhaps instead we can talk about defective ticket machines, ill-informed staff, wrongly programmed ticket barriers, problems boarding passengers at Paddington, overcrowding, poor quality accommodation (especially the horrible refurbished HSTs), the continued absence of the promised cafe at Charlbury, information conflicts, high ticket prices, the vast amounts of time that FGW trains spend stationary when they are supposed to be moving, garden sheds on the line, etc. etc. etc.

Derek Collett · Thu 3 Apr 2008, 12:19 · Link

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