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Charlbury needs higher a profile

Charlbury Business Community (CBC) should have a bigger say in the future of the town, it was agreed on March 12 at a meeting of representatives of CBC and the Town Council. The CBC will prepare its own submissions as part of the 'Local Development Framework', which replaces the Local Plan as the planning 'bible' for the area.

The CBC wants the potential for appropriate tourism to be further explored: it's a great centre for walks with excellent public transport links. While tourism brings employment and increases custom for local shops, it was argued that the town has to find ways of relieving its serious parking problems, and find a site for a new car park which would accommodate walkers, other visitors and people working in the town, and relieve increasing pressure on the Spendlove site.

A county council visitor map of the county does not show Charlbury at all, nor does it list Charlbury Museum in its list of the county's museums (Chipping Norton, Witney and Burford museums are there).

For more information on CBC, click here.

Jon Carpenter · Thu 13 Mar 2008, 08:21 · Link

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