Charlbury Medical Centre update
The GPs and staff of the Charlbury Medical Centre and the Charlbury Patient Participation Group (PPG) are grateful to patients for their understanding during a recent period of particular pressure experienced by the Surgery.
We now bring good news that the pressure has eased (as much as pressure can ease for any small but busy Practice like ours, which the town is lucky to have).
Patients will be pleased to hear that Dr Kate McIntyre, BSc, MBBS, DRCOG, MRCGP, Dip Pall Med, will be joining the Practice in July to more than fill the gap in available GP hours left when Dr Golder moved away. From July the Practice will be able to offer 30 more appointments than was possible previously.
The Practice is also currently looking to recruit another GP to join the team. In the meantime the Practice has the support of a locum doctor.
Interesting times for the Practice and for patients! All the more reason to come along to the PPG's informal Open Door and Coffee Morning at the Medical Centre on Saturday, 9 June from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon. PPG members and the Practice Manager will be present to tell you more about the Practice and to answer questions. This will also be an opportunity to give your views on "What works well?" and "Anything you would like to change?"
Meryl Smith · Sat 12 May 2018, 11:23 · Link