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New trains run through Charlbury for the first time

The last two nights have seen test runs for the Intercity Express trains that will be providing Charlbury's train service from this winter.

The new 125mph trains, which can run on both electric and diesel power, will become the mainstay of the whole Great Western Railway once the fleet is complete. But with the Cotswold Line's existing Adelante trains having been reallocated to the North-East of England, the first new trains off the assembly line will be pressed into service to replace them.

As the test train arrived on Thursday night, GWR staff were measuring the clearance between the train doors and Charlbury station's platforms to determine whether remedial works would be needed.

(Thanks to Steven Fairhurst Jones for the picture and William Crossley for the tip-off.)

Richard Fairhurst · Fri 21 Jul 2017, 00:35 · Link

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