Pickleball coming to Charlbury
It was towards the latter part of last year that I first heard about Pickleball. What was this strange sounding game? Google as always came to the rescue. My first reaction I dare say was probably one that a lot of people might have - it's tennis for geriatrics! But wait,indeed, a lot of the players are of the older genre and yes, it's not entirely as fast and aggressive as tennis but I could see pickleball also had an element of finesse and a tactical game of patience to outwit your opponents. So all in all a mix of tennis, badminton, table tennis and ... erm chess - ok maybe not chess! But it's also a game that can pit a 16 year old against a 60 year old and there's no saying who'll have the advantage. It is truly a game for all ages and abilities.
Having recently started a club in Witney at the leisure centre, I knew my club would need a new home after August when I would lose my slot due to prior long standing booking by another club. I was very much looking forward to the opening of the new community centre in the hopes of setting up here and am now pleased to have confirmed a few session times. We'll be there on Friday nights from 8 to 10pm. In addition to this, I am also looking into the possibility of starting a beginners club, a couple of kid's sessions (under 12 and a teens club) as well as a less competitive, fun session for those over 60 wishing to get a little more active whilst having fun.
I have created a little questionnaire to gauge interest and would welcome any and all interest so I can decide on how best to proceed. Just follow the link below and submit your preferences.
goo.gl/forms/CJeEdxhYMrRzwbhW2 .
If you need any further information, wish to discuss anything related or even wish to give it a try before September, please feel free to contact me on 01993891043 or email vijaysmobile@gmail.com
Vijay Desor · Thu 20 Jul 2017, 16:40 · Link