"Be Town Proud" Working Party
You should have seen the brightly coloured leaflet delivered to your door recently to launch the "Be Town Proud" initiative aimed at improving the look of our town. Thank you to all those who have responded already.
To kick off volunteer action for the "Be Town Proud" initiative, we are holding the first Working Party on Saturday 5th November at 10am meeting on the Playing Close. All are welcome!
If you are willing to help, come and join us and meet like-minded people.
For this first session, the focus of work will be on clearing fallen leaves from pavements and footpaths where they can become a serious hazzard. Please come suitably dressed with stout footwear, gloves and readily visible clothing. Bring a shovel if you have one.
See you there - Be Town Proud!
Peter Kenrick · Thu 3 Nov 2016, 21:04 · Link