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Calling all Actors - CADS auditions for "The Happiest Days of Your Life" by John Dighton

Want to act and be part of a friendly drama group? If yes and you would like to audition for our next play or help behinds scenes. Come along to the Auditions on the Tuesday 31st July and Thursday 2 August at 8pm in the Methodist Hall, Fishers Lane, Charlbury - Charlbury Amateur Dramatic Society (CADS)

Summary of Play
There are some plays which never date and John Dighton's farce "The Happiest Days of your Life" is one of them. Set in a boys school at the end of the Second World War, with another school evacuated to them, the resultant chaos is tailor-made for hilarious farce. The script is witty and there is a broad range of characters. Performances are the 15-17th November.

Hetty Shepherd · Wed 18 Jul 2007, 22:31 · Link

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