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Could you be a Charlbury town councillor?

At the recent elections, not enough candidates stood to fill all 12 places on Charlbury Town Council. As a result, there are two vacant places.

Could you fill one of those places?

The Town Council meets twice every month, usually in the last week: the Monday evening meeting is to review planning applications, while Wednesday is the full council meeting. Some councillors take on additional responsibilities but there is absolutely no obligation to do so. Being a councillor is a chance to help your town and make sure it represents the full spread of society.

If you would like to put yourself forward for one of the two vacancies, please write by Friday 17th June to Roger Clarke, the Town Clerk (, with a short statement explaining what you think you could bring to the council. Or if you would like to know more, contact Roger or any existing town councillor.

Richard Fairhurst · Mon 23 May 2016, 09:21 · Link

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