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Statement from the Board of The Good Food Shop


Members of the Board and Management of The Good Food Shop have been noting with interest recent comments in the Forum, prompted by the application for change of use at ‘News & Things’ and its effect on other shops in the town centre.
It has also come to our notice that the name of The Good Food Shop has been linked to rumours that more closures are imminent.
We would like to assure all our shareholders and loyal customers that The Good Food Shop is trading successfully and the Board has every confidence that under Lynne Stubbles capable management it can continue to do so.
Of course it is true that trading conditions in Market St and Sheep St are difficult and have been aggravated by the advent of the larger Co-op, more conveniently placed for the Car Park and for visitors to the Medical Centre, Dentists and Vets’. Sheep St is noticeably less busy than hitherto.
The Good Food Shop does not rest on its laurels. Lynne is constantly on the lookout for new lines and will stock them if they can be obtained in economic quantities and space and environmental regulations allow. The Board are very aware of the compromises imposed by the shop premises and have, in the past examined alternatives but none have proved viable. Our customer base would not support the Harrods’, Fortnum’s or even Daylesford prices necessary to cover increased costs.

Rest assured The Good Food Shop will continue to meet the demand for filled rolls, fresh bread and cakes, organic vegetables, cheeses and other local products etc. in fact all the goods our customers have come to expect.

Tony Graeme · Sat 7 Jul 2007, 17:53 · Link

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