From staples to caravans! How we can help refugees
Local representatives from CRAG (Charlbury Refugee Action Group) are helping a group from Enstone and Hook Norton to collect much needed items for onward shipping to Greece. Specific items are needed, and these are:
DIY supplies - especially screws, nails, screwdrivers, heavy-duty staple-guns and staples.
First aid items of all kinds - antiseptic, plasters, bandages, etc., etc.
If you have any of these items that you would like to give, phone 811378 or 07952 966060 to arrange to drop off in Charlbury, or we can collect. Latest date for donating is 30 October.
There is also a need for larger items -- pallets and caravans. The local collection point for these is Church Enstone. Please phone Sally Coles to arrange on 677374.
Alternatively, you can take your contribution to St Kenelm's Church (Church Enstone) coffee morning on Saturday 31 October between 10 - 12 am.
Angela Gwatkin · Thu 22 Oct 2015, 19:51 · Link