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Those who attended the Parish Meeting on Friday heard the Chairman tell us about the proposed installation of sensors to measure vehicle speeds on some roads in and around the town.
It can now be revealed that the investigation will also include trials of equipment, still under development, to measure much more than speed: tyre pressures, engine revs, condition of tappets and valves, are all possibilities. Measurement of vehicle weight could, for instance, allow drivers of heavy vehicles making for Burford to be warned that their vehicle is above the permitted weight for the bridge over the river.
The trial is in the hands of the Pirla Olof, the Scandinavian concern who, some may remember, a few years ago conducted trials of a new Sat Nav/TV system for traffic and road information. Their spokesman, commenting on the latest trial said "We are very excited about this new equipment as there are almost no limits to its potential: measurement of a driver's heart rate and blood pressure, for instance, could give new insight into the prevention of road rage".

Tony Graeme · Tue 31 Mar 2015, 22:56 · Link

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