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David Cameron supports Cotswold Line campaign

Local MP David Cameron has added his support to the campaign from Charlbury residents for improved service on the Cotswold Line - including the commuter blog on this website. He writes:

"As you can imagine my mailbag and inbox have been inundated with complaints and concern over the current level of service on the Cotswold Line. It is simply appalling and I can fully appreciate the high level of frustration felt by you all.

"I am determined that this concern and frustration will not fall on deaf ears. 

"To this end I have written to Alison Forster, Managing Director of First Great Western (FGW), and Tom Harris MP, the Rail Minister at the Department for Transport, asking for an urgent meeting to address the problems that are causing such misery to commuters and other passengers. 

"As a result, they have agreed to meet with Cotswold Line All-Party Group in Westminster, which we are hopeful will take place next month.  It will be a chance for Parliamentarians, including myself, to challenge the DfT and FGW to find a clear and proactive way forward from the present situation.

"I have been collecting together evidence of the difficulties from the correspondence I have received to send to the Minister ahead of the meeting next month.  The Commuters’ blog on is therefore incredibly useful in demonstrating to the both FGW and the DfT the scale of the problem on the Cotswold Line.  

"So please use me and keep your comments coming.

"On a more positive note for the future, I had a very interesting meeting with Network Rail, who are looking at doubling sections of the Cotswold Line. I know this is going to take a long time, but importantly it is on the agenda. Together with my fellow MPs whose constituents use the Cotswold Line, I will keep pushing on this issue.

"I will of course keep in touch about further developments and the outcome of the Cotswold Line All-Party meeting."

Richard Fairhurst · Wed 28 Feb 2007, 11:42 · Link

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