Café Culture comes to Charlbury
A novel way of learning about contemporary art comes to Charlbury next week when Art Insights launches Café Culture at White Hart Cottage, Thames Street.
Café Culture takes the tradition of the salon and themes it to the contemporary art being shown in galleries and museums in our region. It is an opportunity to learn about some fascinating art through an illustrated talk in the relaxed setting of a lovely home. Café Culture events are informal small group events and serve delicious homemade refreshments during the presentation.
The first Café Culture in Charlbury will examine the art of the Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei who is currently exhibiting at Blenheim Palace. For those who have seen this exhibition and perhaps feel rather baffled by what they have seen, this is an ideal opportunity to learn more about the art of this controversial artist, how it is shaped by his life and his politics and how he has become a global superstar.
Art Insights talks are given by Clare Carswell MA(RCA) and offer the insights of an experienced artist, critic, curator and lecturer into the work of contemporary artists and the concepts that preoccupy them. The talks are enjoyable and informative and are delivered in a friendly and approachable manner. The art that is discussed raises interesting questions about what modern art is and how we might relate to it and questions and comments are welcomed.
Clare says of Art Insights talks
"I hope that the Art Insights talks will interest dedicated followers of modern art and also encourage some to look at art that they may find challenging, to step outside their art-viewing 'comfort zone' and to consider why contemporary artists make what they do and why galleries and museums validate it by exhibiting it. The talks will explore some of the ideas preoccupying contemporary artists and help make the experience of the art of today more accessible and enjoyable for the viewer".
Clare has taught fine art since 1988 in the UK and in Scandinavia in many art departments including The Ruskin School of Fine Art Oxford University, Oxford Brookes University, Chelsea School of Art London, Royal College of Art London, Nordland Kunst of Filmskole, Norway. She is Director of AYYO Contemporary Art based at Overlay Studio Charlbury where she curates the work of UK and international artists through the residency programme Art Pitch. She writes on art and has been published in the UK for The Oxford Times and for the international arts press including for Flash Art and New York Arts Magazine. She works in performance and drawing and will exhibit in Harstad, Norway and New York in 2015.
Details of the first Café Culture Charlbury event can be found in the events section and at www.artinsights.org
Clare Carswell · Fri 21 Nov 2014, 22:55 · Link