Southill Solar plans refused
The BBC reports:
"Plans for a solar farm within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty have been refused by council planners. Sustainable Charlbury's 5 MW project for land south of the B4022 was expected to power up to 1,100 homes.
"There was concern from the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) that the scheme would blight the area. West Oxfordshire District Council officers had recommended the refusal of the planning application. The council report said the solar farm would represent a major development within the Cotswolds AONB and 'would be of harm to the visual amenity of the area'.
"The authority received 23 letters of objection to the proposals for the 30 acre (12 hectare) site on the Cornbury Estate. Other objections included loss of wildlife and that it would 'urbanise the landscape'."
Richard Fairhurst · Wed 7 May 2014, 09:21 · Link