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School bus cuts go ahead

Oxfordshire County Council has confirmed that it is going ahead with its changes to school bus transport.

From September 2015, free buses will only be provided to the nearest available secondary school. (Those receiving free buses in September 2014 will continue to do so until they leave secondary school.) In Charlbury's case, most of the town is closest to Chipping Norton School.

However, some houses on the eastern side of Charlbury are very slightly closer to Witney or Woodstock. A revision to OCC's original proposal envisaged a "split village" proposal, in which children from these houses would still receive free transport to the catchment school - i.e. Chipping Norton. OCC's press office has told us that this revised proposal was indeed adopted at the Cabinet meeting yesterday.

As a result, Charlbury children should all receive free transport to Chipping Norton from 2015.

(A small number on Sturt Close and Woodstock Road will additionally be entitled to free transport to Woodstock, and on Fawler Road to Witney.)

Richard Fairhurst · Wed 5 Feb 2014, 16:02 · Link

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