Quiz night
Thank you to everyone who came to the quiz night on 21st June in the Memorial Hall and also to everyone who helped out. A wide range of questions bamboozled some and were a doddle for others! The music round in particular sticks in my mind. Teams seemed to either know them all or not at all! The bar was busy throughout the evening and a total of £385 was raised. This means I have now raised £940 towards my target of £1000 to be shared between the Helen & Douglas House & Katharine House Hospices.
Don't forget the Coffee Morning being held in the Corner House on Saturday 29th June between 10 & 12noon. In addition to the tea and coffee there will be a cake stall, raffle and toasted sandwiches on offer.
Donations can also be made via the virginjustgiving website at www.virginmoneygiving.com. By typing in my name the website will take you to my donations page where you can make your individual donation.
Robin Akers
Linda Akers · Sun 23 Jun 2013, 20:13 · Link