
Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum

What is the Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum?

The CNF is a group of volunteers supported by the Town Council who are looking at a strategic plan for Charlbury in the years ahead.

We welcome ANY member of the community who wants to contribute, and all are welcome to come to meetings. If you would like to join or just come along to a meeting, please contact to double check times. Also please visit our website for more information.

What are we doing?

The Forum is divided into two working groups:

1. CNDP (Charlbury Neighbourhood Development Plan) Group
2. CCAP (Charlbury Community Action Plan) Group

The objective of the first group (CNDP) is to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan using information from the town survey as part of its evidence base. This is a new type of plan (enabled by the 2012 Localism Act) which allows communities some control over local planning policy. This plan will carry weight when deciding planning applications. Further consultation will take place in the coming months, and the Neighbourhood Plan will need to be approved by the people of Charlbury in a referendum.

The second group (CCAP) aims to produce a Community Action Plan, complementing the NDP and outlining the community's aspirations for the future as reflected in the town survey. The CCAP will serve to define priorities for future action to be considered by the Town Council.

The CCAP group has organized into several follow-up groups:
- Living Well in Charlbury
- Getting Around/Street Space/Keep Charlbury's Heart Beating
- Let's Get Together, including Learning on Our Doorstep
- Catering for Kids and Kin
These groups will look at the survey results to understand the community's vision of how the town wants to develop, and will identify actions needed to achieve this.

If you would like to join any of the above groups, please contact

Why are we doing this?

Towns and villages across Britain have created Community-Led Plans and Neighbourhood Plans to set out a vision of how the community wants to develop, and to identify the action needed to achieve it. Charlbury people last considered the way forward in 1997, in the Town Appraisal. With so many changes in the years since, it's the right time to consider how Charlbury moves into the future.

The CNF is an independent initiative supported by the Town Council. A steering group meets regularly, but most of all, this is your plan. Further events and consultations will be held in the months ahead to give everyone a chance to have their say on the future of Charlbury.

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