
Charlbury Methodist Church

Charlbury Methodist Church, Fisher's Lane

Minister: Rev Andrew Biggs

Tel: 01608 544362

Local Contacts: Mrs Sheila Farmer (Senior Steward)  810114; Gillian Grason, 810154

SERVICES are held at 10.30am on Sundays.
Please see our noticeboard for further details.

We now have a box in the entrance lobby where you can donate items for the Oxfordshire Food Bank.

Our rooms are available for hire. Apart from the church itself, we have a large upstairs hall with a kitchen at one end which can be accessed by a lift), and two small rooms downstairs, one of which also has a kitchen. There is a loop system in the church. Enquiries to Mrs Sue Tokumine  on 810366

Our lift facility is now available, so we are able to accommodate those who can't manage the stairs.

We are a friendly congregation and we give visitors a warm welcome!

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