Charlbury Baptist Church, Dyers Hill, Charlbury, OX7 3QD
Church Secretary, Kay Colyer - Telephone: 01608 810107
SUNDAY SERVICES at 10.30 am - all welcome & refreshments served afterwards
Our Services are informal & We look forward to welcoming visitors to our Church
We are now Live Streaming our services to Facebook and to Youtube, to enable everyone to join us in worship, whether from home or anywhere in the world, Live at the time or at a later convenient time.
Find us by clicking on the links: Link for Youtube Link for Facebook
When Live on Facebook, click on the round photo of the church to the left of the words "Charlbury Baptist Church
Healing Service 17th April 2025
Join us at the church on Thursday 17th April at 7:30pm for a healing service led by Peter Ashburner..
Palm Sunday Baptism Service
Join us on Sunday 13th April at 10:30am for our special Palm Sunday service which will include a Baptism by full immersion. What a joyful way to begin our celebrations of Holy Week.
Visit Our Garden
You are welcome to visit our garden at any time. It is available for use by the local community for quiet reflection throughout the year but we would ask that you respect the privacy of nearby residents.
All food donations should be left at the Cornerstone shop in the Corner House. Donations of store food (with a 6-month use by date) are welcomed for distribution to families in need within our area. If you are unable to visit Cornerstone Food parcels may be requested through Charlbury Community Centre, should you know of anyone in need.
Please note that all five Charlbury Churches contribute & donations can be received from anyone.
If you would like to hire any of our facilities we should be pleased to hear from you. The Church is suitable for larger groups (chairs rather than pews) and there is a bright room at the side overlooking the garden that would be suitable for smaller groups. There are excellent kitchen and toilet facilities. There is disabled access to the building. Please contact the Church Secretary.
We do hope you will be in touch and look forward to meeting you.