
Charlbury Primary School

Charlbury Primary School -Developing the Whole Child

At Charlbury School we aim to provide each child equally, within a secure and happy environment, with a broad, balanced and challenging education which will foster his or her own personal, intellectual, social, emotional, aesthetic, spiritual and physical development.

We aim to develop confident, enthusiastic, enquiring and independent learners and children with a high level of self-esteem and self-confidence in their achievements. Children who are able to embrace new experiences, live a healthy lifestyle and have a sense of belonging and pride in their school.

We encourage a high level of effort and achievement in everything our children do. We promote in them a positive attitude and an appreciation of individual responsibility to learning, relationships and the environment whether locally in school, the town or our wider community.

More information about Charlbury Primary School is available on the school's website at

The school is keen to strengthen its links with the wider community, and members of staff or the Governing Body are only too happy to discuss any issues or provide further information. Please feel welcome to contact the school directly, tel. 810354.

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