
Charlbury Pre-School

About Charlbury Pre-School

Charlbury Pre-School is a thriving, early years setting that promotes learning and well-being for children between the ages of 2 and 5 years. The Pre-School aims to enhance the development and education of children in a community based group. It is led by a dedicated group of session leaders and their assistants. There is a maximum of 26 children per session and we have a high adult to child ratio.

At Charlbury Pre-School, we organise sessions so that each child can choose from a range of activities. Alongside free play, children can take part in adult-led activities that introduce new experiences and concepts. We foster and encourage child-initiated learning, so if your child shows a special interest in something, we embrace this and offer them additional experiences to enhance their learning. We incorporate cooking, local walks, and physical activity sessions into our daily routines too. Parents and other members of the community are also invited to come in and talk to the children or lead an activity.

Charlbury Pre-School offers many benefits to children, including:

- Learning through play

- Valuing equality and diversity

- Working in partnership with parents for the benefit of their children

- Extracurricular activities during the day and additional specialised activities every afternoon

- Sociable snack and meal times

- High quality care and education in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage guidelines

Session Times

Monday to Friday – 8.45 am to 5.00 pm.

Sessions take place during term time only. We are a sessional pre-school, which means that drop-off and pick-up are at set times. If you would like to pick-up your children at a non-prescribed time between 3.15 pm and 5.00 pm, please let us know and this may be arranged.

Children that stay until 1.15 pm, 3.15 pm, or 5.00 pm will need to bring a packed lunch with them. Morning and afternoon snacks are provided.

Funded hours may be used Monday - Friday, between 9.15 am and 3.15 pm. If you would like to drop your child off before 9.15 am but the non-funded payment could cause financial hardship, please be in touch and we will make sure to make the early drop-off work for you and your family.

Do come and visit us on Park Street, or call us for information about admissions.

Charlbury Pre-School

The Old Grammar School



or by telephone:

01608 811200 during the above session times (school term only)


Registered Charity No. 273783

Charlbury Pre-School Committee

The Pre-School is a voluntary run body with an elected management committee, which is responsible for managing finance, admissions, staff recruitment and development. Parents are elected onto the Committee at the AGM during the spring term each year, but members may need to be co-opted onto the committee at other times of the year.

Fees are kept at a low level through fundraising. Throughout the year our fundraising committee organises a variety of events, and we rely on the support of parents and the wider community to contribute to make pre-school accessible to everyone in Charlbury.

Your involvement in either committee is encouraged and if you are interested please talk to a committee member or a member of staff.

A list of current committee members is available on request and is displayed on the committee notice board at Pre-School.

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