
Charlbury Fair Traders

Autumn is an important time to remind ourselves why the work of traidcraft is so important and different. Charlbury Fair Traders buy and sell fairly traded products almost all supplied by Traidcraft. Traidcraft supply products from small producers in the poorer parts of the world and lobby on behalf of these producers to ensure they get fair prices for what they grow or make. Traidcraft also run many life changing projects among the world's poorest people. See

You can play a part in these endeavours by buying products from Charlbury Fair Traders. They have a range of sugars, dried fruit, teas, coffees, pastas, mouth-watering chocolate and many more items on sale at St. Mary's Church and other outlets as required. With Christmas approaching you can stock up now on the essential items for your Christmas puddings, cakes and mince pies, and obtain your Christmas cards and that special hand-crafted gift. And don't forget your Advent Calendars that they now have on sale. By buying Traidcraft products through them you can be assured that part of the price you pay will go to meet the needs of others.

Charlbury Fair Traders is a group of volunteer individuals, mainly from St Mary's Church, who promote and encourage the use of fairly traded products. You can find them at St Mary's after the 9.45am Sunday morning service and at the Font Cafe in church on Thursday mornings between 10.00am and 12.00am. Products are also provided through other churches and may be supplied at other events as required.(See below)

From any operating surplus the Fair Traders are able to help a variety of worthy causes. In this current year they have so far made donations to the DEC Appeal for Yemen and West Africa, to Practical Action work on human waste, and the Traidcraft Exchange Summer Appeal, a total so far of £500.

The Font Cafe Christmas Stall on 2nd November was very successful. Enough money was raised from sales of Traidcraft cards and gifts, along with items from Flamingo Paperie, and sales of drinks and Cake, when added to donations, to enable the oganisers to send £400 to the DEC appeal for people fleeing conflict in Myanmar.

The Fair Traders look forward to serving you in church or at the

Farmers' Market on Saturday 9th December

For further details and information about the Fair Traders and Traidcraft contact Cara Williams on 01608 811284 or e-mail at

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