
UNIQUE Behaviour Coaching

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the increasing demands of living through a pandemic? Did you know that living in a state of persistent stress actually disrupts your physical ability to manage your emotions and access a calm mindset? If so, I can help you to RESET and reestablish your physiological balance.  

My name is Lauren Bond.

I specialise in interpreting what behaviour communicates. I am a Certified Neuro Coach and Somatic Practitioner. Although classically trained as a psychologist and therapeutic practitioner, I lean more towards a coaching style. I support the people I work with to figure out their own answers so that progress is sustainable. I have a strong professional background in learning and behavioural support, working within homes, educational and council settings around the country.

My work is about guiding and supporting my clients to figure out what works for them. My parent coaching sessions enable parents to build on their skills because parenting is one of the most challenging jobs in the world and doesn't come with a manual. I also provide conflict management training for households and workplaces.

A significant focus of my work is the physiological impact of today's society on our neurodevelopment. My RESET model enables people to self-regulate more effectively to access calmer mindsets and overcome obstacles. We are all UNIQUE, and one size rarely fits all. We all want to be seen and heard and able to express ourselves.

The strategies that I've developed over the years are evidence-based and focus on how to embed practices to enable adults and children to understand what their behaviour is communicating without judgement. We are only able to learn new skills effectively when we are in a regulated mindset, and this takes practice.

If you need a RESET to maximise limited resources and cultivate calmer mindsets in the household or workplace contact me via my website and request a free consultation.

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