CADS stands for Charlbury Amateur Dramatic Society
Please check out Facebook: Charlbury Drama (CADS) now updated
Do you fancy acting, making sets, costumes, or helping behind the scenes with props, sound or lighting?
Then, please get in touch! This is a good way to meet people in Charlbury!
We are an adult theatre group serving Charlbury and its many surrounding villages.
Always ACTIVELY SEEKING NEW MEMBERS we are glad to welcome teenagers,
students and anyone with enthusiasm and a willingness to participate!
We tackle anything from Shakespeare to Pantomime and aim to have 2 productions a year.
Play Readings & Socials will be organised & also an annual BBQ. So even if you do not wish to perform in public we need help organising.
Our PANTOMIME ‘RAPUNZEL’ was very well received & supported, thank you to all who came. A huge thanks to all backstage, lighting, electronics & front of house crews. Especially our Director Olive Woods, without whom we could not have pulled it off. I know this amazing lady plans to now retire from directing - but what an amazing stage career from the Folies Bergere in Paris to decades of acting, singing, costume design & directing in Charlbury’s Amateur Dramatic Society. CADS Thank you Olive ❤️
Spring Production 16th & 17th May further news nearer the time.
Tuesday, 18th March 7.30-9.30pm. AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be held in the Memorial Hall, Green Room (please Note: change of venue) Please come & join us for a glass of wine, support & discuss future productions or plays, reviews & pantomime.
Chair: Olive Woods email:
Secretary: Sue Haffenden email: