Car hire has arrived in Charlbury!

James Styring
👍 2

Fri 20 May 2022, 15:36

Car hire has arrived in ... Woodstock! I went to the launch of Woodstock's car sharing service last night – hosted by Blenheim. They are using Hiyacar and locals are signing up to add their cars to the pool of available cars. Blenheim has a hybrid and an electric car that I think they are adding to the fleet to kickstart the venture by making more cars available for hire.

Can't help thinking something like this would thrive in Charlbury. Why own a 2nd car when on the odd occasion you need a 2nd car you can hire one for £2/hour?

David Green
👍 17

Wed 4 May 2022, 21:47

Like many families in Charlbury, we have two cars and it made sense to us to utilise both vehicles now that we have a flexible working policy (sometimes we need both, but 80% of the time one is idle). Hiyacar makes the process of renting out your car easy. You can create a 'closed-loop' and only rent out your car to your street, neighbours or friends, or like me, make it open to all. The rental price is configurable. I have chosen to set the lowest price to see if there is an appetite for car-sharing before councils might make investments in EVs. You can also set 'mates rates' to make sharing your vehicle even cheaper for those you know. The key to the success of car-sharing is to create convenience for the borrower, having a pool of cars that are available when you need them. Emily Kerr has made a great success of this in Oxford and it would be great to see this work in a more rural location. Emily has put together more information here - To be completely transparent, I do not work for Hiyacar, I'm not on any commission, but I do think this is a good idea that saves people money, reduces the number of cars on the roads and helps mitigate climate change.

James Styring
👍 2

Wed 4 May 2022, 10:18

Alex: yes, as with most of these things, David and I can both get kickbacks for recommending new customers if you use our discount code (etc.), but I'm not doing that here!

James Styring
👍 2

Wed 4 May 2022, 10:17

And I forgot to say, you can rent David's car for £2/hr!

James Styring
👍 1

Wed 4 May 2022, 10:15

Tim, apparently Hiyacar mistook David's middle name (on his driver's licence) for his surname, so on Hiyacar he is listed as David Graham. 

Tim Gosling

Wed 4 May 2022, 08:22

Surely you mean David Graham and not David Green?

Alex Flynn
👍 2

Tue 3 May 2022, 22:46

Nice ad! 

James Styring
👍 13

Tue 3 May 2022, 22:11

I’ve just rented a great little car from David Green in Hixet Wood. It cost me £25 for a day (9–5) including breakdown and insurance – petrol is extra but it’s a very economical car.

David rents his car via, a website that connects people with a car…

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