Dog Waste Bins

Rosemary Bennett
👍 4

Sun 14 Nov 2021, 15:05 (last edited on Sun 14 Nov 2021, 15:06)

Yes Hannen, it is beginning to show itself up for literally what it all is. Thanks to the responsible owner who today brought their dog to my house and allowed it to do its thing right by our doorstep. And then walked away. 

Hannen Beith
👍 3

Sat 13 Nov 2021, 17:54 (last edited on Sun 14 Nov 2021, 13:50)

Lovely to have one plonked just a few feet away from our living room/front door.  Should be great fun in high summer.  Not just for us but for all those waiting for the bus at 5 Ways.

Mind you, on balance I'd rather have it then go back to the situation, which took me years to change, of having all sorts of "pleasantries" chucked into our front garden for me to collect in a refuse bag, crawling about on all fours, at least once a week.  Even then, the bin fixed to the bus stop was, I was told, my responsibility to empty - which I did for about two years, so I know first hand about the stench of dog waste.  Mind you, Ubico did provide the black sacks so one must be grateful for small mercies. 

Also good to see that WODC (or whoever masquerades as it now) has removed the redundant bin opposite 5 Ways.  Who on earth would risk life and limb crossing the junction to throw a crisp packet or anything else into it?  Much easier and safer to just chuck detritus over our front wall.  So now it's just back to me and my wife to clean up the rubbish thrown into the 1950's bus shelter, and to clean that and the wooden signpost as well.

Peter Kenrick
👍 2

Fri 12 Nov 2021, 16:13 (last edited on Fri 12 Nov 2021, 16:19)

Liz: Thanks for raising these points and I will try to clarify where I can. Decisions on the placement of bins do lie with WODC but I believe that the town council now has some influence on this following strong representations from the town council a few weeks ago about lack of consultation.  See my earlier posts.

You ask about the new bin by the stone stile into Nineacres near the crossroads.  This bin, and others close to entrances to Nineacres were deliberately moved onto adjacent pavements or verges for two reasons.  Firstly, this makes them readily available to those walking along the pavements as well as to those accessing Nineacres itself.  Secondly, it avoids any justification for WODC to charge the town council for emptying the bins as they are located on the public highway.  Win-win I suggest.

Claire is correct about the removal of the bin opposite by the bus stop.  The old bin had to be removed anyway but records suggested that this bin was not heavily used and that the new bin opposite should be sufficient.  WODC originally applied the same logic to the removal of the bins at the bottom of Ticknell Lane, opposite the school but in that case, I was able to convince them that it was not reasonable to expect people to cross the busy Slade to use the new bin by Crawborough.  Keep monitoring the litter situation by the Nineacres bus stop for a month or two and if it proves to be a persistent problem, we can consider asking WODC to install an additional bin.

Claire Wilding
👍 1

Fri 12 Nov 2021, 09:41

Hi Liz, Peter Kenrick is very helpfully acting as lead contact point with WODC and is monitoring this thread, the Town Council will do what we can to get issues resolved, but the decision to merge dog waste and litter has already been taken and that's not something the Town Council can influence.  I agree there are some real downsides which perhaps haven't been fully considered by WODC, especially where we have dog/litter bins right next to benches e.g. at the end of Church Lane. 

Thanks for raising the issue with the empty stand at the Enstone Road crossroads. The assumption seems to be that people will cross the road to use other nearby bins, but that particular bin is used by people waiting for school and public buses, and it isn't the easiest road to cross as we all know.

Liz Drake
👍 4

Thu 11 Nov 2021, 18:56

Yes Gareth I totally get that sorry my point is not clear. My point was can the town council get them moved (re points on quarry lane and 9 acres) and given Claires personal point that town council may be on the hook for emptying them, is there more of a say in this? I also hear the bin next to the bus stop at Enstone Rd x roads has gone awol and the stand is full of litter....what on earth do WODC think they are doing? 

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Thu 11 Nov 2021, 17:15

Liz - as per Peter’s and my posts this is very much something being done to the Town Council, rather than by it, by WODC.

Liz Drake
👍 3

Thu 11 Nov 2021, 16:16

Hello to add to this thread am just not sure why a bin has been pit right by the style into 9 acres? Could be a little further away. All these bins being open are likely to be more smelly in the warm weather so it would be good to clarify if the town council has a role here. Are we able to get them moved to more useful and sightly and less smelly places?!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 4

Tue 9 Nov 2021, 07:37 (last edited on Tue 9 Nov 2021, 08:27)

There is already a thread on the Debate board to talk about that - please use that, not this one.

Wendy Bailey
👍 3

Tue 9 Nov 2021, 07:21 (last edited on Tue 9 Nov 2021, 07:24)

Perfect and obvious solution Tim. 

Tim Gosling
👍 9

Mon 8 Nov 2021, 23:16

Perhaps all waste bins should be removed and everybody could carry all of their rubbish and dog waste home?

John Werner
👍 3

Mon 8 Nov 2021, 22:25

It’s important to remember that nowadays everything is about convenience…because we all know how hard it can be to carry a full poo bag that extra ‘mile’!!!

Sandy Fairhurst
👍 2

Mon 8 Nov 2021, 19:53

Thanks Peter for this update.

I share Gareth and Christine’s view that there’s still a need for a Quarry Lane bin.

So much depends on our home starting point, the direction we’re walking, our dog’s habits and so on, and I can see it’s hard to satisfy everybody’s need. However the previous fullness of the Quarry Lane bin did I think demonstrate the need.

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Mon 8 Nov 2021, 17:21

There has always been a bin on that slightly scruffy piece of land on Ditchley Road.  One is needed on Quarry Lane given the amount of dog walking up there.

WendyMF Clifford

Mon 8 Nov 2021, 17:06

Thank you Peter. I saw the bin on my walk today, but did think it was in a strange place! I was rather hoping it would be on the verge nearer Quarry Lane itself. But I am grateful there is a bin now in the vicinity.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Mon 8 Nov 2021, 17:01

Yes, there is a new style bin on Ditchley Rd; but it's in the place where a general bin was always already located (although often really well concealed). What has been provided is a replacement for that bin, not a replacement for the Quarry Lane bin.

I'm not a dog walker, so will be interested to see how dog walkers respond. My own guess is that it isn't a good replacement for the Quarry Lane bin, since a large proportion of the dog walkers in Quarry Lane and/or the upper reaches of Ditchley Rd don't approach and/or exit via the lower part of Ditchley Rd.

The other bin was convenient for people coming from the alleyways leading from Ticknell Piece, or those walking through The Green estate and also from the new housing off the upper Ditchley Rd.

Peter Kenrick
👍 2

Mon 8 Nov 2021, 10:48

Update: I reported to WODC the concern expressed here and to the town council over the removal of the dog bin on Quarry Lane and this morning a new dual bin has been installed on Ditchley Road below Chartwell Drive - about 100 yards from where the old dog bin was located.

What do dog walkers and others think?  Does this answer your concerns?

Also the old rusty litter bin by the skate park is being replaced by a dual bin this morning.

Pauline Eagling
👍 6

Fri 5 Nov 2021, 08:51

No excuse for dog poo to be anywhere and as Rosemary Bennett pointed out in Pooles Lane, especially as there is a multi purpose bin by the playing field.  Why is it that people refuse to pick up after their dog?  Poo bags are sold just about everywhere including the co op so there is no excuse other than pure laziness and a total disregard for others and yes I am a dog owner.

Meraud Hand
👍 3

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 22:14

It doesn't seem appropriate to have a mixed waste/poo bin so close to the entrance to the Co-op either. There are various other better places.

John Werner
👍 3

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 20:57

Made me rather sad watching the good old full metal bins at Nine Acres being replaced by those new s****y ones (obviously few old ones where just taken away without replacing). But hey someone somewhere has made few £££ - good on them👍

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 14:59

No problem Richard.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 5

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 11:14

I think a general discussion about the ethics of dog poo in 21st century society is better suited for the Debate section.

Rosemary Bennett

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 10:44 (last edited on Thu 4 Nov 2021, 15:02)

💩🦮🐩🐕‍🦺 💩

Georgia Styring
👍 3

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 10:21

The dog waste bin at the entrance to the quarry just inside Quarry Lane has been removed and there is no alternative bin nearby. For those of us walking dogs this way, this bin was very useful and almost always full as it's either at the start or end of a dog walk. Can a dual purpose bin but be put at the end of quarry lane to replace this removed one please? Should I email the new TC about this?

Rosemary Bennett

Wed 3 Nov 2021, 16:08

There are a load of lumps of dog **** along the footpath in Pooles Lane just before the Browns Lane junction, seen earlier today. Watch out.

Sandy Fairhurst

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 21:36

Thanks Peter.

Peter Kenrick
👍 1

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 18:47

Hi Sandy

We will monitor this forum but if you want to ensure that the town council considers your request, please send an email to the town clerk to be included as a correspondence item at the next meeting.

Please note that following Roger Clarke's retirement, our new town clerk is Lisa Wilkinson and she has a new email address 

Sandy Fairhurst

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 18:34

Peter and Claire. Thanks for adding the Town Council’s take on this issue.
You say “Some bins are being removed altogether where usage is deemed to be low and/or where another bin is available close by. However, these are not always appropriate criteria and where a clear need can be demonstrated and the town council agrees, we will do what we can to get a new bin installed

Should we see a clear need after a bin has been removed, and not replaced, how would you like us to let the council know?

Bob Douglas
👍 8

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 16:39

It seems a shame to me that the opportunity has not been taken to replace single bins by double ones, one for general rubbish (and dog waste) and one for recyclable waste.

Peter Kenrick
👍 3

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 15:12 (last edited on Tue 2 Nov 2021, 15:25)

To expand on Claire's comments, I am one of the town councillors who met with the WODC officer and our District Councillor last week and I am now continuing to monitor the situation and am keeping in contact with the WODC officer to report issues.  The meeting happened after the…

Long post - click to read full text

Claire Wilding
👍 3

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 09:28

WODC are rationalising the overall number of bins with the introduction of new "dual" bins that take both dog waste and litter. However the communication has been poor. In response to complaints from the Town Council, WODC did send an officer out recently to explain the changes to some of our Town Councillors, and our District Councillor also came to last week's Town Council meeting to discuss the issue. These efforts are much appreciated, but the fact remains that the Town Council still doesn't have clear information on exactly which bins are being moved or removed. 

People who previously used the dog waste bin at the bottom of Ticknell Lane can now cross the road to use the litter bin on the corner by school. But it would be helpful if WODC could clearly publicise these changes rather than expecting residents to be litter bin detectives.

Unfortunately the reduction in bins is unlikely to lead to a reduction in our Council Tax, as I understand WODC are also seeking to pass responsibility to the Town Council for emptying some of the bins. This has not yet been clarified, but if it does happen it will cost us more, as the Town Council doesn't benefit from the government grants that WODC receives. These are my personal views by the way, I'm not commenting on behalf of the Town Council. 

victoria bull
👍 4

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 22:22 (last edited on Mon 1 Nov 2021, 22:23)

A dog/litter bin has been placed beside a seat popular with walkers on Woodstock Road, opposite Stonesfield Lane. No one will want to sit there again.

Liz Leffman
👍 7

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 21:11

I have brought this to the attention of the senior officer at WODC and asked for this to be reviewed

Sandy Fairhurst

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 20:38 (last edited on Mon 1 Nov 2021, 20:38)

When I walked up Woody Lane a few days ago, I noticed the new“multi” bin there, but at least it’s in the same place as the old “dog” only one.

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 20:37

Irony does not work very well online, Hannen!

The document about the replacement of rubbish and dog-poo bins that Charlbury Town Council was supposed to have been consulted on -- but had not been, according to the previous thread on this subject -- envisaged a loss of around 25% in the number of bins provided (without, it is claimed, any likelihood of an increase in overall littering). 

It was also claimed that only bins that were not well used would be removed.

Keep up the reporting of where that does not seem to be the case.

For those that missed the previous thread, the document is  here:

Hannen Beith

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 20:24

I'm sure WODC know what they're doing.

Russell Ingham
👍 1

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 20:11 (last edited on Mon 1 Nov 2021, 20:11)

The one in Hixet Wood has gone too!

Andrew Greenfield
👍 1

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 19:46 (last edited on Mon 1 Nov 2021, 19:48)

The bin at the Slade end of Woody Lane has also disappeared along with one at the top of Church Street; the Woody Lane one was greatly used not only by me but by many other dog owners as well.

Some of those missing bins were becoming a bit worn out, with handles missing and lids not fitting well so I wondered originally if they were to be replaced with new ones.  If so it would surely have made a lot more sense to remove and replace them at the same visit.

Do any of our local councillors have any information to tell us what is going on?

Sandy Fairhurst
👍 2

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 18:24

The bin near the entrance to the wood / field ( by the car park / bowling club) appears to have migrated towards the children’s play area. The one at the end of Ticknell Lane opposite Crawborough has disappeared entirely. 
Didn’t realise the Quarry Lane bin had gone…it was there yesterday…probably one of the most used bins in the town. Seems a strange desire to penalise responsible dog owners by removing bins located in places of high need. Somehow putting the new “mixed” bin by the Playground Area will likely be a cause of concern when the warm weather heats up the contents and smells. 

WendyMF Clifford
👍 1

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 17:19

Does anyone know why the dog waste bins have been removed from Quarry Lane and beside the Ticknell Piece field?

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