What is so great about e-bikes?

Matthew Greenfield
👍 3

Sun 12 Sep 2021, 11:25

I really enjoyed trying out a couple of e-bikes for the first time on Saturday to see how they worked and made light of hills, etc. The event was well organised with friendly helpful advice. Many thanks!

Gareth Epps

Sat 11 Sep 2021, 11:23

All being set up now and if someone wants to take my bike repair shop (i can’t make it) just now, feel free!

Miles Walkden
👍 1

Sat 11 Sep 2021, 08:25

Hello all. Just a reminder that we will be offering some advice and the chance to ride some different bikes on Wychwood Paddocks today from 1-3pm. 

Harriet - I hope you symptoms get better soon. It all sounds like there are some difficult situations for you to contend with. I do think that it is important to talk about bikes, rather than ebikes, when talking about road safety. The only difference is that ebikes are generally a bit slower than regular bikes. 

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 2

Mon 6 Sep 2021, 17:45

I'd like to point out that, if the rider has balance problems (as do I) the classical Pashley style trike - single wheel front, two wheeled back - is extremely disconcerting when cornering through lurching strongly the *wrong way*! 

The less common "tadpole" arrangement of two wheels front, one rear is much, much more comforting. All recumbent trikes I've ever seen are tadpoles.

Frances Mortimer
👍 5

Mon 6 Sep 2021, 09:46

Hi Christine - and anyone else who is interested - one of the Windrush Bike Project staff has an e-tricycle (it's a cargo-tricycle so might be a bit more hefty than some, but should help to give an idea of what they are like). He is willing to bring it along for you to try on Saturday but ideally would arrange a time so that he does not have to stay for the whole event. If you are interested, would you email me at francesm@charlburytowncouncil.co.uk? 

Harriet Baldwin
👍 2

Sun 5 Sep 2021, 15:26

John probably, the current relapse has been about  a month, and the only cyclists I've come across have been those two on ebikes as it's very clear I can't walk on the footpaths around here while I can't hear. But my point still stands, if the TC wants to encourage people to use ebikes they need to take responsibility for those who might be negatively affected. 

I also have vertigo and can't cycle as the slipstream effect from passing vehicles is likely to make me fall off, whereas driving a car I'm fine as long as I take the medication they've prescribed. I know some people with Menieres can, but I'm not one of them. 

Frances Mortimer
👍 2

Sun 5 Sep 2021, 11:38

Christine, I am trying to find out whether Warlands Cycles or Windrush Bike Project have any e-trikes that they could bring to the event as I don't think there is anyone in Charlbury who already has one to lend. If it is not possible this time, I will see if we can arrange anything in future. I heard that Windrush Bike Project is setting up a project to support people with disabilities to cycle, so will see if I can find out more.

John Kearsey
👍 6

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 15:07

Hi Harriet. Presumably the problem is with bikes in general with inconsiderate riders. I always use the bell if I am coming up behind someone walking in the road or on the cycle path. There is a misconception that e-bikes are electric mopeds. This is not the case! You have to pedal in order for the motor to engage. I regularly cycle into Oxford on my e-bike and know for certain that I wouldn't be doing the journey on an ordinary bike.

Christine Battersby
👍 4

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 10:34

Are any of the bikes being brought for try-out by the Council suitable for those who have osteoporosis and who need to reduce the risks of falling and breaking bones? About 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men over 50 will break or fracture a bone because of osteoporosis, with the risks increasing markedly with age -- as many of us (unfortunately) already know. 

 And are any of the available bikes particularly suitable for those with other disabilities or who are otherwise frail or disabled? Are there any e-tricycles available to try? 

I understand such bikes exist (e.g. Van Raam balance cycles), but wouldn't think of signing up for a trial unless I knew that some suitable e-bikes would be part of the scheme.

It would be helpful if the electric bike try-out page could indicate more about the range of bikes that will be on offer to try. 

Harriet Baldwin
👍 4

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 07:23

I am currently being diagnosed for a medical condition where I am losing my hearing. When a car passes I hear a sssh sssh sssh sound as my brain picks up the engine noise and I hear my pulse. So I know the car is there even if I can't see it. With ebikes I can't hear them and have almost been hit twice in 6 weeks, so I'd hope the TC makes it essential for them to use bells when they see people. It'll be horribly noisy but better than someone older than me falling over and ending up in hospital 

Frances Mortimer
👍 8

Wed 1 Sep 2021, 22:38

One of the reasons that I put myself forward to be a Town Councillor is because I am excited about making walking, cycling and zero carbon journeys a reality in and around Charlbury. Electric bikes can be a big part of this!

Electric bikes add a bit of power when…

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