Once Again: Kill Your Speed!

Derek Collett

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 16:28

In an attempt to take some of the heat out of this, and to convince some of the posters in this thread that bad drivers do operate in the Charlbury area, allow me to relate the following experience:

July 2008. I'm cycling east on the B4437 towards Charlbury down the…

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Wed 19 Nov 2008, 16:18

Thankyou Richard ,i was going to ask you if you would.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 16:17

I think it's best if we call a halt to this one.


Wed 19 Nov 2008, 16:11

Charlotte on a serious note ,why did you post your experience on here .Did you think that by admitting a mistake like that about speeding and as Igor has called it bad driving that you would have sympathy heaped on you .I am sorry for your plight and wish you well ,but you must take responsability for your driving just as we all have to .Anyway as i say i wish you the best for the future.

Charlotte Penn

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 16:07





Wed 19 Nov 2008, 15:58

Well at least i only missed the monkey .No slip ups there .

Charlotte Penn

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 15:47

Thank you Susie!

Roger, you still don't get it. You missed that monkey on the test. I don't have eyes on the back of head, to look everywhere, AT EVERY PRECISE MILLI-SECOND.

She SHOULD HAVE SEEN ME - Shad enough time to see me, and to slow down if she wished to. She didn't !!!!!!

Yes it was bad driving from her, because she was SPEEDING.

I've got photos to prove it and evidence from an expert.

This is really boring now Roger. Do that test again.



Anyway roger - what's your last name? Divulge IF YOU DARE
Do you live in Charlbury?

I asked you kindly, not to question. You have no manners! Grow up!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 14:22

I think you all should stop having a go at Charlotte, who is obviously still traumatised from the whole event. It doesnt matter whose fault it was; it just happenned. Perhaps all parties concerned will learn from this, along with others who have similar accidents.


Wed 19 Nov 2008, 14:11

Sorry Charlotte but something just does add up with all of this .You say you turned out from the sarsden turn onto the A361 and when turning right towards Chadlington this lady hit your car on the left hand side ,if correct firstly she was not heading due north and secondly there would have been time to avoid you if she had seen you when she came around the bend.
I know that road so well as i have driven it so often ,it is not impossible to stop if it happened the way you say it did.

Charlotte Penn

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 13:46

It's all very interesting about those - who don't understand the dangers of speeding. Perhaps you are the ones who do...........? It has been proved, by experts. I'm not impressed, by some. She was speeding. I'm not to say it again!!!!!!!!!! KILL YOUR SPEED AND USE YOUR BREAKS

J Norris

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 12:03

Sounds like the accident had nothing to do with speeding. The A361 is very straight and has excellent visibility at that junction so a prime candidate for 60mph running. Turning onto the A361 from the Charlbury Road one has a very clear view from both directions and so should be able to join the road safely. Igor - not every accident has speeding as its cause.

Charlotte Penn

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 09:59

She was so speeding - over 70 miles per hour - due North. She wasn't paying attention. I was, but am in no rush. The motoring expect confirmed all this. SPEEDING NEARLY KILLED ME. Yes Roger - I do need to move on.............But points need to be made, to save other peoples lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wed 19 Nov 2008, 07:28

All of us make mistakes ,its owning up to them that make us who we are .I feel that you Charlotte are suffering as much as the lady who's car you struck,but you have to say that you are still alive and the cars can be fixed people cannot very often .Just learn from what happened and move on, as what happened that day will stay in your mind forever but it will make you more aware in the future .We all have to deal with our own mistakes in life ,you will get through it.


Wed 19 Nov 2008, 07:05

So is turning in front of someone when you can see them coming towards you .

Igor Goldkind

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 06:57

In this instance, speed does not appear to have been the issue, but bad driving.

Helen, speeding is bad driving.

Paul Taylor

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 05:21

Did you turn across an on coming car?

Charlotte Penn

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 23:40


Richard - post this one over to grease pen - PLEASE.








Tue 18 Nov 2008, 23:12

Seems to me that she was where she was meant to be you were not.

Charlotte Penn

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 21:27

Roger - you got it - she didn't!


Tue 18 Nov 2008, 20:53

Sounds like oops did'nt see you there to me.

Charlotte Penn

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 19:55

Igor - do you think more surveillance is required?

Charlotte Penn

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 19:53

Forgot to say I was bearing due North from that near back fright

Charlotte Penn

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 19:51

Hi Helen. It was all tip top good. And, yes due to tiredness - thus typo. Yes to Ayrton too!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine!

Helen Wilkinson

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 19:39

Charlotte, can I assume you have made some typographical errors -(as well as judgement, perhaps, in turning right when you 'could see the car for miles')- was it Ayrton (Senna?) to a plane? Just curious. Were the chocolates better than the Ferrari? How was it going at 160mph?


Tue 18 Nov 2008, 17:36

Points made,point taken

Paul Taylor

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:33

Charlotte was said other car coming towards you and you turned right thinking you had time to cross the road ? .Not a nasty comment just thinking aloud. hope all well now.

Charlotte Penn

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:55

Motoring - aggressive killers, who have no manners or a care in the world!

The A361 road is a killer

On November 22nd 2007 I also nearly got killed by a 8 month pregnant woman, who was driving way over 70 miles per hour.

Now, I know these things because…

Long post - click to read full text

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:58

That junction would be a good candidate for a mini-roundabout, I'd have thought. Over on the Chippy site they've been talking about using Greystones (on the A361 south of the junction) as a youth centre - if that comes to pass then some road safety improvements will certainly be necessary.


Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:20

Helen may i say thankyou for your input in this matter .Igor and i and many others have tried to discuss this issue in a reasonable manner without any success,so i wish you well in your endeavours.The fact that we all need to take issue with the way we drive, and how we behave,wether we are using the highway or paths would result in less accidents.

Helen Wilkinson

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:34

Igor, notwithstanding your long post on the statistics,I am given to understand that the accident was as a result of a car pulling out of the B4437 Charlbury road directly into the path of an oncoming vehicle on the A361. In this instance, speed does not appear to have been the issue, but bad driving.

Igor Goldkind

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 08:02

I'm not interested in talking you down or shutting you up. Traffic fatalities are a serious issue. Here are some eye opening facts about UK driving behaviour from a 2007 survey:

• Three quarters of respondents (74%) admitted to driving over the speed limit (BMRB THINK! Annual Survey 2007).

Long post - click to read full text


Mon 17 Nov 2008, 23:19

Well at last we agree on something.

Igor Goldkind

Mon 17 Nov 2008, 13:30

Roger, I'm not going to split hairs with you:
If you really think that an incident that occurred at the junction of Chipping Norton Road and Charlbury Road is so remote as not be relevant to Charlbury residents, then I can't help you.

The fact remains that in and around Charlbury people drive too fast and drive dangerously.

I don't know why this documented fact is so difficult for you to accept. But I'm not going to argue the colour of the sky with you, you either see it or you don't


Mon 17 Nov 2008, 12:24

How can we in Charlbury address what is happening elsewhere in the country.We have i feel in some small way addressed the situation in Charlbury which is not a bad thing ,but when it comes to other places in the world then should we not be addressing the situation there instead of highlighting every little incident that happens in our part of the universe.I feel sure that the lady up on a charge of death by dangerous driving did not suddenly get up that morning thinking ,i know i will go out in my car and drive stupidly and see if i can hurt someone.
This lady now has to live with what she did however it happened .I dare say that she may even think about the family that she has helped to devastate.We all have to remember that our actions do come with consequences.

Igor Goldkind

Mon 17 Nov 2008, 11:20

Roger, this has nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of the woman charged with a criminal offense. It has to do with the automobile incident that caused another motorist to be killed. Conviction or not, a woman was killed because of someone's dangerous driving. (That is unless you want to argue the unlikely premise that her death was due to some random event that had nothing to do with their driving).

The reason for bringing the subject up in the first instance is because the death by driving occurred up the road from here, not in the US.

My point being that speeding and dangerous driving are directly relevant to Charlbury and are literally life and death issues that this community could do more to address.


Sun 16 Nov 2008, 22:58

Why is it that we here in Charlbury have to defend our actions about driving ,which are not good at the best of times i will admit when in the land across the atlantic even the police have no worries about forcing people off the road in their cruisers when drivers do not stop for them either because they have been drinking or drug taking .The mere fact that a lot of enforcement agencies use bait cars to catch car criminals must tell us that they have a far bigger problem than we do .Besides Brian is right ,should we not wait until after the trial to judge this lady or are we having a kneejerk reaction just in case she is guilty.


Sun 16 Nov 2008, 19:40

Innocent 'til proven guilty?

Charlotte Penn

Sun 16 Nov 2008, 14:43

Igor - you are so right. The roads are getting worse and worse. So much so, I don't even want to drive anymore. The tailgaters are getting worse and worse too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Igor Goldkind

Sun 16 Nov 2008, 13:02

Woman charged after death crash

11:58am Saturday 15th November 2008

Police have charged a 45-year-old woman with causing death by dangerous driving following a fatal collision near Chipping Norton in August.

The collision happened on August 23 on the A361 Chipping Norton Road at the juntion with the B44337 Charlbury Road.

Deborah Hodson, of Black Bourton, has been released on bail to attend Banbury Magistrates' Court on November 26.

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