Somethings very wrong: where are the jackdaws and insects?

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 4 Jul 2008, 19:06

Malcolm, we have bats, mice, rats, flies, wasps, bees and frogs to name but a few. I am not very good at wild life, but we do seem to have plenty here.


Fri 4 Jul 2008, 07:11

we still have a few bats flying around and i chap i know has them in his loft.ive seen no ladybirds but loads of bloody flys.

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 4 Jul 2008, 00:28

A month late but finally signs of some moths - got a collection orbiting the computer monitor now. Almost like we missed a complete hatching and reproduction cycle of the more common species up here in The Green area... its about the right gap in time for a cycle. Still no sign of any ladybirds in any numbers, either nymphs or adults. Again seems like a complete cycle has gone missing. But were some swifts screeking about at dusk but the bats have not been seen (had a collection of about 3 species quartering the back gardens, don't know what type, but distinct size, shape and flight pattern differences so know they were different species and they were around in June last couple of years).


Mon 30 Jun 2008, 23:19

been there done that we've had those here aready about 6 months ago now when all are car tyres we're being slashed. so you can keep them.

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 30 Jun 2008, 16:22

Sorry, I'd really not meant to post that one at all and thought I had just cancelled backwards but must have hit post key...I was in a pretty bad state with so little sleep and in a LOT of "discomfort" which had been going on for some days (and still is, didn't manage to get off to sleep until about 6 am last night). Alas my emergency fallback of sleeping tablets no longer seem to be working. If anyone has any ideas of anything better than zopiclone let me know! I've clearly adapted, even though I try to avoid taking them more than 2 or so times a week :-(

roger short

Mon 30 Jun 2008, 14:32

Mandy you are not wrong there ,trust me to not research where you live before making a right pigs ear of it .Maybe we could send some troublemakers from here to there instead.??????????


Mon 30 Jun 2008, 14:13

ha ha thanks for that roger but i live in a dead end street so they would come past my house any way.i was just saying that its the peace and quite that they need and theres to much going on in charlbury.

Hamish Nichol

Mon 30 Jun 2008, 08:59

After Malcolm's initial posting I have been looking for these elusive insects and would have to agree with Malcolm that there is a strange lack of the six legged creatures. I would like to think this is just an unusual year and things will change in years to come though time will be the judge of that.
More importantly maybe the Site Admin could change the title of this post to:
"Something is very wrong with Malcolm and incidentally where are the jackdaws and insects?"
I predict the loss of Malcolm to a life of excessive triple brandies and paranoia would be far worse than losing the odd jackdaw. Hang in there Malcolm! We're listening to you :-)

Geoff Belcher

Mon 30 Jun 2008, 07:51

What happened to the Civillity rule in Malcombe Blackmores letter!!!! [I confess I'd not made it to the end of Malcolm's posting - a little judicious snippage now duly carried out. --Richard]

roger short

Sun 29 Jun 2008, 22:59

Now now mandy ,been there done that lets not have this debate about traffic again or we will make sure it comes past your house when we get the witney road closed off at the crown and divert the traffic through the village.


Sun 29 Jun 2008, 16:48

cant see what its got to do with the lack of birds and bugs
you must have to much traffic for them.

roger short

Sun 29 Jun 2008, 09:47

Malcolm you are the author i have been waiting for all my life . Gave up reading a long time ago due to finding not a lot i liked ,hard to understand i know or maybe my brains dropped out of gear (some would say i never had any ,but what do they know). Anytime soon you publish a book presuming you have not already let me know because i would get up at midnight to queue for it no trouble.

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 29 Jun 2008, 03:08

The unknown unknowns are getting us. 2.53am June 29, 8 days afer solstice. 2 computer monitors on. Big window open. 3 fluorescent lights on. NOT ONE EFFING INSECT IN THE OFFICE. OK I'm half dead with pain and exhaustion but I've just checked the walls and lights, and I can…

Long post - click to read full text

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 29 Jun 2008, 01:56

Well, they may have been watching the cricked on all these web enabled phones and want to try it themselves. but the point remains: last few years they were down there in droves AND UP HERE in droves. And this year hardly anything this end...

The Kites moved in last…

Long post - click to read full text


Sat 28 Jun 2008, 19:30

no thanks i'll keep them at my end thanks.

roger short

Sat 28 Jun 2008, 11:22

Well if you are offering mandy we could all come to your house to see the birds ?????? and walk the dog if you like .


Sat 28 Jun 2008, 10:12

there are lots of birds in my garden blackbirds sparrows house martins fying about.we have a kestrel thats in the field out the back of me.and the birds wake me up at about 4am.but thats in finstock. when walking my dog late evening there are loads of rabbits in the field that i walk in.

roger short

Sat 28 Jun 2008, 09:57

Andy thanks for enlightening me as to what the big bird over wigwell is,i have sat and watched it for quite a while now and wondered what it was exactly. it is fascinating to watch sometimes the jackdaws fly with it as if they are imitating its actions.On a few occasions there have been two of them ,could it be a mating pair.

Andy Godfrey

Fri 27 Jun 2008, 21:59

Just this evening, viewed from our patio doors up Nine Acres Lane, a buzzard soared & a red kite swooped! At the same time! Keep 'em peeled. ;-)

Derek Collett

Fri 27 Jun 2008, 16:05

Come down to the cricket field Malcolm and you'll soon see where all the swallows are! Also plenty of pied wagtails, usually getting in my way when I'm trying to field! Perhaps we should charge admission for bird watchers...

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 27 Jun 2008, 14:52

Dead silence in Playing Close. Windows and lights on at night and one or two moths and no little flitters. A few blackbirds - usual suspects are at home at least (I know them "personally". But no warblers or little finches in our very wildlife friendly garden. Ditto on walks in fields. Overhead: Hardly any swallows, swifts or martins.

Reminds me of Canada in 61 and 62. Silent Spring. I'm feeling frightened. What's wrong - something is sick, very sick. This is not right.

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