Loss of broadband when upgrading to fibre

Karen Biles

Mon 20 Apr 2020, 22:17

Hi Helen. Can you let me know the outcome. We are just off Pooles Lane and our Talk Talk is very slow and cuts in and out. Thank you. 

Steve Jones

Mon 20 Apr 2020, 16:41

That's positive news assuming he (or she) turns up of course. Fingers crossed for you.

Helen C

Mon 20 Apr 2020, 13:57

Thank you all for your advice and especially Steve for the call. We have an engineer coming this week so keeping our fingers crossed!

Steve Jones
👍 1

Sun 19 Apr 2020, 13:06

I should correct one impression. Whilst Talk Talk do resell Openreach services, it's only the part that runs from exchange via the cabinet and then a fibre link hand-off point which, I believe is in Witney. From there it will be a Talk Talk network. There are innumerable configuration settings…

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Adrian Hunter

Sun 19 Apr 2020, 12:47

Commiserations on the Talktalk problem; are you connecting via WiFi or by wired (ethernet) connection? Does the router itself require some configuration/password setting (the router's password is usually printed on the router itself)? There should be some documentation with the router to enable you to communicate with it from your internet browser and get it set up... apologies if you've already explored these avenues... good luck! Yours, a fellow Talktalk sufferer ( I too am considering changing providers ).

Hans Eriksson

Sun 19 Apr 2020, 12:40

I'm on BT and costing me dearly at £ 50 plus pm. I do run a business from home and cannot afford to be without broadband. As I am sure you are aware BT Openreach owns the infrastructure and all the others including Talk Talk are just resellers of their service. All they have is a billing system and presumably a customer care department. When it goes wrong as in your case Talk Talk has to get BT Openreach to fix it. I have friends who were on Talk Talk and it went wrong. They were on it for a year and eventually gave up. Plenty of reviews on trustpilot and other sites about broadband supplier customer services. A sorry state of affairs! Is there any chance you could piggy back on your neighbours Wifi until it gets sorted? Alternatively you can get a 4G modem and do your broadband that way.

Helen C

Sun 19 Apr 2020, 12:02

Thanks for your replies. We think changing provider is the only option at this stage so one more question if I may, we are looking at BT and PlusNet. Any recommendations? Customer service paramount! We are just off Pooles Lane. Thanks again!

Richard Broughton
(site admin)

Sun 19 Apr 2020, 11:44 (last edited on Sun 19 Apr 2020, 11:45)

[Whoops, Andrew is already on the case.] There would be some questions to answer, and apologies for the obvious one, have you completely re-started your modem? Did TT send you a new modem (if your present one is quite old it may not be compatible with fibre to the cabinet). A mis-matched modem would be a first issue to resolve. Perhaps someone can lend you a spare to test.

Unfortunately it could also be a wiring mix-up at the distribution box, which can only be sorted by TT and OpenReach.  Alas, TT is not know for its customer service.

Helen C

Sun 19 Apr 2020, 11:42

Thanks Andrew, yes we had a new router

Andrew Greenfield

Sun 19 Apr 2020, 11:40

Did Talk-Talk provide you with a new router/modem?

The old one, if it was using ADSL, will be no use at all and you will need a new one; I thought ISPs would do that automatically.

Helen C

Sun 19 Apr 2020, 11:28

Can anyone help? We upgraded our broadband (talk talk)10 days ago as with two of us working from home our old broadband wasn’t coping. When we ‘went live’ we completely lost all connection and have had nothing since. Talktalk have been no help (we have contacted them daily) and we are both struggling to work using data. Can any tech people offer any advice? We are thinking of changing providers but worried that will take even more time to sort out. Or is there a public WiFi in Charlbury that it might be possible to use until ours is back up again? Thanks for any advice. 

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