Disco beat...

Deleted user

Tue 6 May 2008, 10:40

Again for the record, we discussed the matter with the EHO and no further action was taken. T mobile should have had a licence and did not and this was the EHO major issue. All events run down at the Cricket club are now undertaken in full cooperation with the EHO. We have moved on so i think it is time others did too!


Fri 2 May 2008, 08:11

Good morning, Derek,

I’m happy to retract, and to offer you an apology for any distress I may have caused you. A member of the Cricket Club Committee ,according to the Environmental Health Duty Officer, was called in the circumstances discussed, but it clearly was not you, and that was my mistake.

Derek Collett

Thu 1 May 2008, 23:27

Harryd: are you quite sure it was me? I have never spoken to Environmental Health since I have lived in Charlbury! Please check your facts again and unless you can produce concrete evidence to show that they spoke to me about a wedding party then kindly retract that statement as I have no recollection whatsoever of any such conversation.


Thu 1 May 2008, 22:08

Good evening, Paul,

I’m sorry that you’re disappointed to have felt that a negative connection was intended between the Cricket Club’s activities and an illegal rave. The re-posting was simply intended to point out that I am not the only person in Charlbury to have been unexpectedly woken by external…

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Charlotte Penn

Thu 1 May 2008, 16:05

I have just had news that the police and environment protection guys did attend another party the other week near Chadlington.

I’m glad that those individuals in Cornbury are being chased up. Let’s hope that there are no more?

Deleted user

Thu 1 May 2008, 15:12


Firstly thank you for your support of the cricket club which indeed continues to support youth development within Charlbury. We are anticipating offering sporting opportunities to youth members during this summer, which we anticipate the youth membership will now total over 170 members!

What I am however disappointed about is that we appear to be mentioned by way of your article (even though you acknowledge not writing the posting) about an event that happened over a year ago and specifically refers to the cricket's clubs name. We are disappointed in this, as the main threads of this piece refer to an ililegal rave. TThe two are simply not connected!

In direct reply to the comments raised and for the record, there is a policy at the Cricket club that we hold no more than 4 events a year including the bonfire night at the ground. Under no circumstance has the permitted noise ever been exceeded and we undertake our own recordings on events to ensure this has not or does not happen.

We have,following one event last year (the T-mobile event) now undertaken to notify the local residents if such a future event is planned, although for 2008, other than hosting the beer festival (to which we are very proud to be associated with) and the car boot sales as advertised on this website, no major events are planned until the bonfire night in November.

Although I appreciate it is not your intention, please do not associate the cricket club with any element of illegal raves as we have and will always operate fully within the confines of the law. We need too as two policeman play for us!

I apologise if i detract from the main cause of the articles but feel it is important to set the record straight!

Christine Wilson

Thu 1 May 2008, 14:13

From Lord & Lady Rotherwick, Cornbury Park:
Just to up date you on the loud music on Saturday night/early Sunday morning. This was an illegal rave in the forest; entrance was gained off the forest road, near High Lodge.
The Police were informed and we obtained two registration numbers from the vehicles which were still there early on Sunday morning. We have been advised that these are not from the local area. The Police are investigating further and we will of course keep you up to date with any developments.


Wed 30 Apr 2008, 17:10

Kate, I think we agree about lots of issues related to this thread. Well managed events, like last year’s Riverside, are really not a problem, and I have on more than one occasion publicly congratulated the organisers on the way they pulled it together. I don’t have an opinion about the Beer Festival, as it hasn’t happened yet, but, to judge from their website, they appear to be professional and well organised. I am particularly impressed by the opportunities the Cricket Club offers to young people, and that alone is sufficient for me to support them, even if they do occasionally make errors of judgement.

Postings like this crop up every so often – do you remember this one, from about a year ago? (I didn’t write it).

“I am thoroughly in favour of the cricket club, and impressed by all the voluntary hours which are put in on all sides to keep it going. I am also delighted that they have no doubt made a sizable contibution to funds by hosting the event, but can't help feeling as one of the nearest neighbours that some kind of notification would have been polite/politic as the event also involved loads of lorries to-ing and fro-ing, beeping their reversing horns at 7ish on Saturday morning etc. It wouldn't have cost much or given away any secrets to have sent round an apologetic note in advance surely? Also beginning to feel uneasy that this could spring on us anytime any weekend - is there a game plan?”

Kate Smith

Wed 30 Apr 2008, 10:38

Harryd and partner - try investing in some earplugs!
Living next to the river I think we may fairly say we are more affected by the Riverside music, Beer festival at the cricket club etc than almost anyone - but I'm not complaining - I think it's great that so many people in the community put in the time and effort to stage these events which are for everybody's enjoyment and benefit, and the occasional restless night is well worth it as far as I'm concerned! Those particular events anyway seem to me to be pretty well managed and despite the campers not really all night noise. If any town councillors are reading this take note!


Tue 29 Apr 2008, 13:54

The source of the music throughout Saturday night seems to have been a rave at High Lodge, on Cornbury. The fireworks came from Ranger’s.

One of the difficulties in bringing a situation like this under control is that two agencies are involved, and they don’t seem to work together. The…

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J Norris

Tue 29 Apr 2008, 10:46

I am certain that there was a party with loud noise at Ranger's Lodge. However, I doubt this was what was heard in Charlbury. It wasn't that loud!

Charlotte Penn

Mon 28 Apr 2008, 23:08

It’s ridiculous that the responsibility just gets passed around and nothing gets done.

During my sleepless night – I rang the police twice and the Environmental lot at least three times. They say that only 4 calls were logged. I spent a lot of money and time on these 0845 numbers!

I wonder if anyone has yet been down to find the evidence?

They were all utterly charming, but that’s not really good enough, is it?

This is a very serious issue.

Just imagine steeping on something v nasty and think about the animals and the trash left? There's bound to be some somewhere????????

I’m sure you’ve heard the recent national news, the radio and TV shows about all our extra hassels, that now one seems capable of dealing with. There are some very bizarre political policies about sending these characters to our county’s towns and villages, which increases crime in our area. We all want to live in a friendly hassle free society. We have enough to worry about due to current financial crises.

I look forward to hearing more!


Mon 28 Apr 2008, 22:35

What a horrilbe noise. My familly, which consists of three young girls, was kept all night. Only people of the devil could do this to a small rural community. If Our Old Friends were still alive they would only say that this thing didn't go on in Chalbury back in 1782. Fingers crossed it will not happen again.

Charlotte Penn

Mon 28 Apr 2008, 21:12

I have just picked my voice messages and there was a call from an Andrew Ward from our council. He has all the details and hopes that this is a one off illegal rave! However, more needs to be done - to prevent this happening again!

Charlotte Penn

Mon 28 Apr 2008, 20:05

That sort of noise with that kind of bass and higher frequency could not possibly come from Rangers Lodge and travel that far into Charlbury. This was for sure an illegal rave. And, what’s been done about it so far? Has anyone heard from the council or the police yet? Have they made any enquiries yet? And, why did no one come out to investigate Sunday morning?

Harriet Baldwin

Mon 28 Apr 2008, 19:14

The noise problem is partially due to the wind direction. No-one in Chadlington heard Saturday's noise (and are the Ranger's Lodge people going to admit to making enough noise to keep my family awake for over 6 hours?), and it appears very few people here heard the Gaginwell one, which was only audible here because on that occasion we had an north-easterly wind. Since we standardly have a westerly wind here, anyone east of the noise source, whether it be an illegal rave, a party or Cornbury Festival, is going to hear it loudest. I suspect the council don't consider this when handing out licenses, as really there's no way to deal with it - a slight change in wind speed or direction will alter the noise level that we hear. This was very obvious to me on Saturday when at various times between 2:00 and 8:30 I could hear not just the bass but the higher frequency notes too, as if the music was in the house next door not up in the forest.

Charlotte Penn

Mon 28 Apr 2008, 17:59

The people at Rangers lodge also heard the loud noise from the rave party. It was coming from deep in the forest.

There were a lot of cars around the forest edge Sunday morning. I wonder if any walkers perhaps saw anything and then could inform the police or the council.

J Norris

Mon 28 Apr 2008, 14:11

I can confirm there was definitely a party and loud noise from Ranger's Lodge on Saturday night. Fireworks at 11ish then music until the morning. Surprised you could hear it in Charlbury!


Sun 27 Apr 2008, 21:04

Well, this is interesting.

John, there may well have been some thing coming from Marlborough Place, but it certainly wasn't on the scale of what was coming out of the Forest - somewhere behind Ranger's Lodge, at a guess, though as people in Sturt Close and Hill Close were also…

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john h

Sun 27 Apr 2008, 16:19

came from malbrough place finished at 8am when parents returned home,

Charlotte Penn

Sun 27 Apr 2008, 13:07

This weekend noise all night has just got to stop!

There are laws to stop this! The good people of Charlbury all need their sleep.

I made several calls to the police, who explained that they are powerless. They say that it is the responsibility of the West Oxfordshire’s Environmental protection scheme.

I would to know what is being done about this and who is responsible?

I finally spoke to an ‘out of office Environmental protection man’, called Dave Harvey in Working, Surrey, who said he could do nothing about it. The police are so understaffed. We do need to help them to help us. This is now more important than speeding motorists!

I look forward to hearing more comments

Harriet Baldwin

Sun 27 Apr 2008, 11:53

I'd guess it was a rave, same as the previous week when there was one in the Gaginwell area.

I'm told police won't do anything as they're known to be soft on everything apart from speeding motorists.

Sue Normand

Sun 27 Apr 2008, 10:06

Did anyone else hear constant disco music last night? What was it all about?

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